Viewing Closed Tickets
There is an option for users to view closed tickets and to see the tickets that have been opened in the past for reference purposes only. IMPORTANT NOTE : Tickets can ONLY be closed by Help Desk Support and the IT administrator. Tickets are closed once resolved.
To view the tickets :
Log in to your Support portal account. Check this article for more info on logging in :
Click the VIEW CLOSED TICKETS tab as shown below:

After clicking that tab will display a screen like this :

1- STATUS- displays the ticket status
2- ASSIGNED TO - displays the creator of the ticket
3- SEVERITY - displays the severity of the ticket
4- SUBJECT- displays a brief description of the issue
5- DATE / TIME - displays the date and time the ticket was created
6- TICKET # - displays the system generated ticket number, clicking the ticket number will
display the ticket details, as shown in the image below :

To view the tickets :
Log in to your Support portal account. Check this article for more info on logging in :
Click the VIEW CLOSED TICKETS tab as shown below:

After clicking that tab will display a screen like this :

1- STATUS- displays the ticket status
2- ASSIGNED TO - displays the creator of the ticket
3- SEVERITY - displays the severity of the ticket
4- SUBJECT- displays a brief description of the issue
5- DATE / TIME - displays the date and time the ticket was created
6- TICKET # - displays the system generated ticket number, clicking the ticket number will
display the ticket details, as shown in the image below :

Updated on: 09/07/2019
Thank you!