How to provision a new phone through vCloud Phone System Management Console
Using the vCloud Phone System Management Console you are able to provision a new phone. To do this, follow the below steps: Go to the extension tab on the left hand side menu bar. Double click on the extension number you need to provision. ( readersLogging into vCloud PBX Management Console
To start using your vCloud PBX Management Console you will be emailed the log in details from vCloud Group. To log in, enter your User Name and Password into the relevant box and press Log In. Once logged in, you will see your phone system management console ( readersHow to transfer a call on your handset
Within the phone system, there are two ways you are able to transfer a call. Option 1 is to Blind Transfer. This means when you are transferring you will not speak to the person you are transferring the call to. Option 2 is to Send the transfer. This means you have the ability to speak to the person you are transferring the call to, advising them who is on the phone before you complete the transfer. To transfer a call using your handset, follow these steps: Answer the incoming call PreSome readersHow to change inbound calling rules in your phone system
With your phone system, you can change the way inbound calls are handled. You can have your receptionist take all calls and forward/transfer to other users and/or extensions. Or you can have a ring group configured with a set of pre-configured phones will all ring simultaneously until one of those users pick up or answer the call. Automatically we configure the phone system to set the inbound destination to "800 Main Ring Group" and add the default extension (usually, extension 100) to the grouSome readersHow to record and save a voicemail greeting message - Handset
Voicemail greeting messages can be recorded through your handset. Press the 'envelope' button on the handset or dial '999' Enter your personal identification number and press (The personal identification number was included in your welcome email that was sent to you when your phone was provisioned. If you do not have this, please consult your systems admSome readersHow to reboot an IP Phone from the phone system management console
To reboot your IP phone, follow these steps: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Go to the phones menu on the left Select the phoSome readersHow to setup the phone system phonebook
Your phone system has a built in shared phonebook that you can preload with contact information of your suppliers, customers and other contact numbers. As much as you can enter contacts into the phonebook via the handset, we would suggest this be done by the office/practice manager in your company. To add contacts to the phonebook, follow these steps: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: readersHow to record and save a voicemail greeting message - Softphone
Voicemail greeting messages can be recorded through your soft phone. Dial 999 and press Call Enter your personal identification number and press (The personal identification number was included in your welcome email that was sent to you when your phone was provisioned. If you do not have this, please consult your systems administrator) Press 8 to record a new greeting message Press 0 to record your message Press once completed your message Press 0 to save messageFew readersHow to modify a ring group
Ring groups are great to allow multiple handsets to be able to take/transfer calls. Usually the ring group consists of 3-5 phones that the inbound calls come in on. When your phone system is setup, a ring group called "Main Ring Group" is created by vCloud and extension "000" (not emergency services number) is added to this group automatically. You can add multiple extensions to the ring group, extensions are members. To modify the members in the ring group, follow these steps: Log into yoFew readersHow to put a call on shared park
When on a call, sometimes you need to park the call. This is called shared parking. This function of the phone system is enabled from your function buttons on the phone handsets themselves. On your handset (depending on model) you can have between 2-4 shared parking locations for incoming and outgoing calls, these buttons will look like this on your display: TheFew readersHow to apply a firmware update to your IP Phone
Applying firmware updates to your IP phone keeps your phone up-to-date and allows for additional features to be downloaded to the phone from the manufacturer and/or phone system provider. To apply firmware to your IP Phone, follow these steps: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: ( readersHow to use call pickup from a handset when in a ring group
If you are the receptionist, or in a ring group (when a group of phones rings when the phone system rings), if you want to answer a second call you can use a predefined button programmed by vCloud to utilise this function. On all handsets within a ring group, vCloud Support program a specific function button called "Pickup" or "Call Pickup". This button looks like this on the phone screen display: ( readersCreating an extension for a new user to your vCloud Phone System
To create a new extension, follow these steps: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: If the menu bar is not open, click on the four line icon. ( readersAccessing the QR Code for soft phone provision
For fast provisioning of your soft phone, follow these steps: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Click the extension tab in the left hand menu bar. ( readersHow to change your voicemail greeting message
Voicemail greeting message can be changed through your handset. Press the envelope button on the handset Enter your personal identification number and press (The personal identification number was included in your welcome email that was sent to you when your phone was provisioned. If you do not have this, please consult your systems administrator) PrFew readersHow to configure your phone system office hours
Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Go to 'settings' tab on the left Select Timezones, Office Hours & Holidays (https://storaFew readersHow to switch between your handset, speaker and headset
When on a call, you are able to switch between talking on your handset, through speakerphone or using a headset. To use the handset: Pick up the handset, dial a number or answer an incoming call. To use the speaker phone: Press the 'speaker' icon before dialing a number. If answered a call using the handset: Press the 'speaker' iconFew readersHow to put a call on hold
To put a call on hold, follow these steps: Answer the call Press the hold button (on the handset display or using the button right of the keypad) To resume the call, press the resume button Proceed with the phone calFew readersHow to access the call logs in your phone system
To access the call logs: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Select 'call log' from the left. Your call log will automatically shFew readersHow to modify an existing extension for a new user
If you have a staff member leave and would like to re-use an extension, there is no need to delete the extension and re-create then reprovision again, follow these steps: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Go to the extension tab in the left hand side menu bar. !Few readersHow to answer a second call when on a call
When you are on a call, another call can come through that needs to be answered. There are a number of ways to handle this, you can: Refer to the articles below on how to do this: Put the call on hold. Shared Park the call. (https://helpdesk.vcausuppFew readersHow to configure your phone system public holidays
Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Go to settings on the left Select Timezone, Office Hours & Holidays (https://storage.crispFew readersHow to start a conference call from your handset
Conference calls are becoming a standard feature of many phone systems. It allows you to bring multiple people, either internally or externally, to be included in a phone call or conversation. To start a conference call, follow these steps: Make the first phone call Press the Conference function button At this point you can dial another number or an inFew readersHow to configure your phone system TimeZone
Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Select 'settings' tab from the left Select the Timezone, Office Hours & Holidays icon (httFew readersHow to reprovision your IP Phone from the phone system management console
To reprovision your IP phone, follow these steps: Log into your phone system management console, refer to article below: Go to the phones menu on the left Select thFew readersHow to provision your softphone on your mobile phone/tablet device
To provision your soft phone on your mobile phone and/or tablet device. Once your extension has been created you will receive a welcome email. Open the email Open the QR code attachment With your devices camera, scan the QR code Your soft phone will automatically provision PLEASE NOTE: If you have lost the welcome email please see your systFew readersGiving customers access to 3CX Chat, Phone & Web Conferencing
You may have heard us raving about these features but one of the really cool features of 3CX (our cloud and on-premise) phone system, is the ability for your customers to LiveChat, make phone calls and web conference you directly. Unlike other VoIP phone systems, this feature does not require any software or plugins to be installed on the customers end. The only requirement, is they need to be using Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome as the internet web browser. This functionality is includedFew readers